Blogger, Facebook, and Twitter family! Oh. My. Word.
Last night the hubby took me to see one of my icons, the beautiful living legend herself, Ms. Janet Jackson!

You want to talk about a fabulous concert! If you have not had the opportunity to see Janet live, you have GOT to go. Daryl and I were marveling that she sounds even better live than on her recordings. That's so sad to say but she really has an awesome voice, and talk about stamina!
This woman danced for 2 1/2 hours straight, only taking a few small breaks to change and probably to drink some water because after all that dancing, she was sweating up a storm up there. It was so awesome to see her actually perform live and yes she does dance just as hard live as she does on her videos. AMAAAAZING!

This video that I posted is actually one I found on YouTube with some clips from her Chicago stop. I tried to record on my video phone because we had some awesome seats in the Mezzinine area at the Fox Theater in St. Louis, but since this was my first time trying to use the video feature on my Samsung Epic, every time I thought I was stopping to save the video, apparently I was just pausing the dang thing & nothing got saved when I switched back from video to the camera feature. (sigh - me and technology...)
*NOTE TO SELF: Do NOT try to learn a new gadget feature in the middle of the biggest concert of the year! Good grief!!!

So anyway, like I said, it was an awesome concert. According to her web site, Janet will be in:
Grand Prairie, TX - tomorrow, April 2nd
Omaha, NE - 4/5/11
Denver, CO - 4/6/11
Phoenix, AR - 4/8/11
Santa Barbara, CA - 4/9/11 - 4/10/11
Los Angeles, CA - 4/14/11 - 4/16/11
I know, right? What a crazy schedule!

You'll just have to check it out for yourself to see when she'll be in a city near you. Trust me, it will be worth it. The hubby & I drove 2 hours to St. Louis to see her live and it was worth every penny in gas.
Umm, did I mention that I had a great time??? Can you tell I had fun?

Oh! Another thing I wanted to mention, besides her voice being great live, but why oh why is this chick every bit as fly in person as she is on screen??? Dang! Gives me new motivation to stay in the gym an extra 30 minutes. It probably should be more like an extra hour, but hey, we've got to start somewhere... Hubby tells me that my usage of the word "fly" is showing my age. (LOL) I replied, "Yeah, like your refusal to give up 'word'." Guess we are just two old fuddy duddies over here. LOL!

One more thing to let you know just how crazy good that concert was last night in case you did not get it from the last couple of paragraphs. Last night when the concert was about to start, hubby posted on his friend feed that he wished he had thought to bring ear plugs because he was sure that I was gonna blast his ears out when Janet hit the stage. I was yelling, whooping, singing, and dancing the whole concert. So much so, that at one point, the lady in front of me turned around and laughed at me and the guy next to me sat forward because I think I kept elbowing him (sorry random guy in Seat 37, Row EE at the Fox Theater). Needless to say I woke up this morning with a sore throat but warm happy feelings about the fun time we had last night.
Good times, fam, good times...

Next big concert to see will be my girl, Beyonce!
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